Welcome to our BrightInvoice Tutorials!

How to sign up to BrightInvoice

In today's episode, we'll be signing up for BrightInvoice for free.

Welcome! To register for BrightInvoice at no cost, simply click on the 'Sign Up’ button. This will redirect you to the registration page. Begin by entering your company name. For this Demo we will use a company name called “Awesome”; it will reflect your brand.

The URL for signing in to your company will be awesome.brightinvoice.co.za.

Next, enter your email address - for this demonstration, I'll be using a temporary email service.

Then, create a password that meets the criteria: eight characters long, with at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one special character.

Check the 'I'm not a robot' box and click 'Sign Up.'

An email will be sent to your provided address. Once received (check your inbox or junk folder if necessary), click 'Verify Email Address.'

Note that this will redirect you to the domain you signed up for (in this example, awesome.brightinvoice.co.za). Now, let's use the same email address and password to sign in.

Click 'Sign In,' and there you have it - you've successfully registered with brightinvoice.co.za

Walkthrough of BrighInvoice user Inerface

In this video, we'll guide you through the user interface of brightinvoice.co.za.

Welcome! To begin, please navigate to your subdomain, which in your case will be your company name of brightinvoice.co.za (For example yourcompany.brightinvoice.co.za). Sign in using your email address and password. Once logged in, you'll land on our dashboard.

At the top left, you'll find a card displaying our total invoice amount, this month's invoices, the number of overdue invoices, and total payments received. Dynamic charts will populate as you add invoices to the system.

On the left-hand navigation bar, you'll find sections for invoices (where you'll add invoices), products, clients, and profile settings.

Under 'profile,' you can set company and personal details, upload logos, configure banking information, and select currency preferences.

For users on the free tier, five invoices remain. If you wish to unlock additional features like unlimited invoices, product management, client-side viewing, real-time PDF creation with branding, URL customization, viewing notifications, and address validation through Google Places, you can upgrade to Pro.

To sign out, simply click the option on the top right-hand side.

Setting up your BrightInvoice Profile

In this episode, we'll guide you through setting up your profile and company details. Let's start by navigating to your company, yourcompany.brightinvoice.co.za. Signing in using your email address is the first step after registering.

Once signed in, the initial task is configuring your profile correctly. On the left-hand side, locate the "Profile" option under user details. We'll edit the primary user for this company. Enter your first name, phone number, and email address in the designated fields. Leaving the password field blank will maintain your current password. However, if desired, feel free to update it here.

After clicking "Save," your record will be updated under company details. Now, let's fill in the remaining company information, which will appear on the invoices sent to your clients. Click on the "Edit" button.

Ensure the company name aligns with what was provided during sign-up. For the address, an autocomplete feature is available. As you begin typing, it will auto-fill. Enter your company's actual address and phone number—these will replace the random ones provided here.

Enter your bank name, account holder's name (e.g., Doug Dale), account number, and select the currency (e.g., South African rand). Lastly, upload your company's logo by clicking "Choose File" and then "Save." This will update your company details, showcasing your logo and other relevant information.

In the "Company Details" tab, subscription details are available. Subscribing will remove limitations on your remaining invoices.

Following these steps will ensure your profile and company details are accurately set up for your brightinvoice.co.za account.

Add products to BrightInvoice

In this video, we'll explore how to add products to brightinvoice.co.za. Begin by signing in with your email address, ensuring you're logged into yourcompany.brightinvoice.co.za.

To start, navigate to the left-hand side and locate 'Products.' Click on 'Add Product or Service.' For example, let's name the product 'Product A' and provide a description. Specify the base price and quantity available, which can be adjusted dynamically later. Upon creating the invoice, click 'Save' to successfully add your product to Bright Invoice.

To manage your entries, you can click 'Edit' for any modifications or 'Delete' to remove a product. Upon deletion, confirmation will be requested; select 'Okay' to proceed. Note that product deletion is restricted if associated with invoices. You'll need to delete relevant invoices before removing the product from the system.

To illustrate, let's re-add the product 'Two' with a base price of 99. This demonstrates how products are added to brightinvoice.co.za, allowing you to add as many as needed.

Add clients to BrightInvoice

In this tutorial, we'll explore the process of adding new clients to brightinvoice.co.za.

To begin, sign in using your email address, ensuring it's associated with yourcompany.brightinvoice.co.za.

Next, navigate to the left-hand side and locate the 'Clients' section. Click on 'Add New Client.' Here, input the client or customer's name - for instance, let's use 'Mr. Customer.' Include their address; for demonstration purposes, I'll enter a random address located in Poland. Enter the client's phone number and email address. For this demonstration, I'll use a temporary email address to illustrate how invoices will appear on the client's end. Additionally, if the client possesses a tax number, you can input it here.

Once done, click the 'Save' button. You've now successfully added Mr. Customer to your clients' list. Should you need to make further edits, simply click the 'Edit' button on the right-hand side.

If a tax number needs to be added or edited, you can do so within the respective field, and the updated information will reflect accordingly.

Add invoices to BrightInvoice

In this tutorial, we're going to create our first invoice. Welcome! Sign in using your email address and make sure to use yourcompany.brightinvoice.co.za. I've already added some extra products; feel free to do the same under 'Invoices'. On the left-hand side, let's start by adding a new invoice since we currently have only one customer loaded: Mr. Customer. Select him, then choose the terms - 14, 30, 60, 90 days, or cash on delivery. For this demonstration, let's go with cash on delivery, and the current status will be 'current'. This status can be 'current', 'email sent', 'overdue', or 'paid'. Click 'Create'. The invoice will then load on the next page.

Let's take a quick overview of the displayed information. On this block here, you'll see our auto-generated Invoice number, client name, and email. Further down, there's the client's address. If they've provided a PO number, you can add it here; otherwise, leave it as 'none'. Should you wish to offer Mr. Client a discount, adjust the amount here. Additionally, we've got the invoice date and due date. You can set the due date for the end of the month or any specific date.

Below, there's a table where we'll add our invoice items. Click 'Add new line item', and you'll see a list of our added products - Product A, Product B, and Product C. The table displays the title, description, quantity, unit price, and line total. You can rearrange the order by clicking and dragging the products. Adjust quantities per product for this invoice, and on the right-hand side, under 'line total', you'll notice the amount recalculating based on the changes. Remember, these adjustments are specific to this invoice and won't affect the product information in the 'Products' section.

At the bottom, there's space for 'terms and conditions' and our banking details. You'll also find buttons for previewing, saving, emailing the invoice to clients, and deleting rows from the table. To delete a row, select the desired block and click 'Delete Row'. If a product needs to be added back, select the section at the bottom and re-add it to the table. Saving will confirm this invoice successfully.

To preview what the client sees, click 'Preview'. This view includes our company logo, invoice number, dates, payment details, and all selected products with correct subtotals. You can print or download this invoice.

Returning to the invoice creation tab, to email this invoice to clients, click 'Email invoice to clients'. Use the client's email address and optionally send a copy to yourself. You can also include a custom message. Click 'Send Invoice'.

The email has been sent successfully. In our temporary email, you'll see a copy of what the client will receive. They'll view an invoice sent by our company (Awesome). The email contains a link to view the invoice online.

This is how the client can access and view their invoices in the system.

Subscribe to BrightInvoice

In this video, we'll cover how to subscribe to the Pro edition of BrightinVoice. As always, start by signing in to your yourcompany.brightinvoice.co.za account. Once signed in, navigate to the bottom left and click on 'Upgrade to Pro,' followed by 'Pay now.' Payfast securely handles all payments. For more information about Payfast, you can visit their website.

Next, enter your credit card details as usual and proceed to pay the R39 monthly fee. This amount will automatically be charged to your credit card. If you wish to unsubscribe, I'll demonstrate that shortly. Once the payment is processed, you'll notice that the 'Upgrade to Pro' button disappears. Additionally, among the Pro features, you'll gain access to tracking whether your client has viewed the invoice. This allows you to follow up if they haven't seen it yet.

To unsubscribe at any time, go to your profile and select 'Subscription Details.' You'll see that you're on the premium tier; click on 'Cancel Subscription.' Upon unsubscribing, you'll still have access to your remaining invoices, and you can resubscribe whenever you like.